"Just a group a guys who get together, have a few beers & make things happen!" - VK2DPG
Latitude 31° 57' SOUTH - Longitude 141° 26' EAST (QF08RB)
Local Operators - callsigns etc of the "locals"
Locally Operated Frequencies - where to find us (give us a call!), Photo's also, if you're game :-)
Broken Hill Tourist Information - "Gateway to the Outback"
- Scenes from around Broken Hill - taken by VK2CA & VK1TX
Great Circle Map Centered on Broken Hill- range circles set at 2000km
Scanner Frequencies -Broken Hill Area - Comprehensive Listing! (over 250 listed!)
2m Repeater- VK2RBH - (Voice) Pictures of the VK2RBH site
- RX (Input) - 146.400
- TX (Output) - 147.000 (15w)
- Operated on a Philips FM828 (Modified for repeater use)
- 3 Cavities RX
- 2 Cavities TX
- Separate Omni-directional antennas (100' RX, 50' TX)
- Sited at 400m AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level)
Entire Site powered by 4 * 60 Watt solar panels, feeding 8 * 100+ Amp/Hr solar batteries.