Australian Electromagnetic Spectrum Usage


Spectrum Usage- Graphic representation from ELF to UV!

Australian AM/FM Broadcast Standards

 Australian VHF/FM Broadcast Standards

Australian Colour TV Broadcast Standards

Australian TV Channels

Minmise/Maximise this section - Australian AM-FM Broadcast Standards


Australian AM-FM Broadcast Standards

Frequency Range 526.5kHz - 1605.5kHz
Channel Frequencies 531,540,549.......1602kHz (Special services slightly above)
Stereo Signal Compatible Quadrature Amplitude Modulation - 25Hz +/- 0.1Hz Deviation of 3% - 5% of quadrature channel
Frequency Response less than 2dB (50Hz - 7.5kHz)
THD Not exceeding 4% at 80% Mod. (400Hz - 5kHz)
Stereo Separation 18db Min.


Minimise/Maximise this section - Australian VHF-FM Broadcast Standards


Australian VHF-FM Broadcast Standards

Frequency Range 88-108MHz
Channel Frequencies 88.1,88.3,........107.9MHz
Deviation 75kHz
Pre- emphasis/


50 µsec.
Stereo Channel Subcarrier Frequency 38kHz
Pilot Frequency 19kHz
Note 1: Ancillary Communications Services may be included in the main program frequency:

Sub Carrier ..........................67kHz

Max. Deviation.....................7.5kHz

Modulation...........................FSK or FM

Pre-emphasis........................upto 150µsec.

Note2: The frequencies 87.6, 87.7, 87.8, 87.9 & 88MHz have been released , until 1997 by certain Open Narrowcasting Services.


Minimise/Maximise this section - Australian Colour TV Broadcast Standards


Australian Colour TV Broadcast Standards

Channel Width 7 MHz Vestigial Sideband
Vision Carrier 1.25 MHz above lower edge of channel
Primary Sound Carrier 5.5MHz above vision carrier
Secondary Sound Carrier 242.1875 kHz above primary sound carrier
Vision Modulation Negative Amplitude Modulation
Lines per Picture 625 lines, interlaced 2:1
Line Frequency 15625Hz
Field Frequency 50Hz
Colour Subcarrier Frequency 4.43361875 MHz
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Horizontal Sync Pulse Amplitude 100% Carrier amplitude
Front Porch 1.3 - 1.8µsec.
Back Porch Line blanking interval - (front Porch + sync pulse)
Line Blanking Interval 11.8 - 12.3µsec.
Black and Blanking Level 76% peak carrier level
White Level 20% peak carrier level
Pre-equalisation Pulse Interval 2.5H (H=line period, 64µsec)
Post-equalisation Pulse Interval 2.5H
Field sync Pulse Interval 2.5H
Field Blanking Interval 2.5 + 12µsec
Ratio peak vision to peak sound carrier Single sound carrier systems: 10dB

Dual sound carrier systems: Ch1: 13 dB , Ch2: 20 dB

Sound Modulation FM
Sound Deviation +/- 50 kHz
Audio Pre-emphasis 50µsec


Minimise/Maximise this section - Australian TV Channels


Australian TV Channels

  Vision Primary   Vision Primary
  Carrier Sound Carrier   Carrier Sound Carrier
Channel (MHz) (MHz) Channel (MHz) (MHz)
0 46.25 51.75 44 639.25 644.75
1 57.25 62.75 45 646.25 651.75
2 64.25 69.75 46 653.25 658.75
3 86.25 91.75 47 660.25 665.75
4 95.25 100.75 48 667.25 672.75
5 102.25 107.75 49 674.25 679.75
5A 138.25 143.75 50 681.25 686.75
6 175.25 180.75 51 688.25 693.75
7 182.25 187.75 52 695.25 700.75
8 189.25 194.75 53 702.25 707.75
9 196.25 201.75 54 709.25 714.75
10 209.25 214.75 55 716.25 721.75
11 216.25 221.75 56 723.25 728.75
28 527.25 532.75 57 730.25 735.75
29 534.25 539.75 58 737.25 742.75
30 541.25 546.75 59 744.25 749.75
31 548.25 553.75 60 751.25 756.75
32 555.25 560.75 61 758.25 763.75
33 562.25 567.75 62 765.25 770.75
34 569.25 574.75 63 772.25 777.75
35 576.25 581.75 64 779.25 784.75
39 604.25 609.75 65 786.25 791.75
40 611.25 616.75 66 793.25 798.75
41 618.25 623.75 67 800.25 805.75
42 625.25 630.75 68 807.25 812.75
43 632.25 637.75 69 814.25 819.75
. . . . . .
Channel 0-2 VHF Band 1 Channel 28-35 UHF Band 4
Channel 3-5 VHF Band 2 Channel 39-69 UHF Band 5
Channel 5A-11 VHF Band 3 . . .